Please contribute by adding a link to a resource or lesson plan that you have found useful in teaching about Climate Change. Your name will be displayed with any contributions but NOT your email address. Please give a description of the resource and any useful information or ideas about how to use it in teaching about Climate Change. Tick as many of the relevant categories to aid others in searching for resources. If you think there should be an additional category please say so in your description and we will look at adding the new category.

If you have produced your own amazing lesson plan or resources on Climate Change and need somewhere to share them from then you could use TES, TeachWire or any number of other storage areas – we suggest you use a search engine and look for upload shared lesson plans

All contributions are moderated so there will be a delay before your contributions appear.

It would be helpful if you could:

– include a one sentence summary of what the resource is
– give examples of how it can be used in a lesson e.g. “great starter activity – 3 mins, good for factual intro to the subject” or “can use as a plenary, 5 mins, prompts debate/discussion”, etc
– if it’s a video a brief summary of content and how long it is
– please use the categories to state what Key Stage(s) it’s suitable for and what topics it covers

Thank you!

Contribute to Climate Change Teaching Resources

Please tick if you are happy with the following:
All contributions will be moderated. We receive your links to resources in good faith and will do our best to make sure that links are appropriate and useful but we cannot guarantee that some people may post "fake" or misguiding resources. We rely on you, our users, to review and comment on the quality and the usefulness of the resource.
Do please contact us if you have any comments, good or bad.